Color Me Crazy

Deadly Art In Motion

Mix (Embers/Fire) - WoR '10
Birth Pride
Blood Marked

Area of Study


Amulet-Given Powers

*Amulet-Sense (can always sense the location of other WoRs of its year)
*Dream Connection (limited, uncontrolled)
*Battle Trance
*Fighting Style Mimicry
*Mind Focus (invulnerable to mind alterations/hypnosis/thralls)


*Complete Control Over Fire
*Fire Teleportation
*Form Shifting
*Immunity To Fire/Heat
*Weakness Against Water
*Weakness Against Fire-disrupting Powers/Abilities/Natural Elements

  • When he first arrived at the Archives his body had been made of flesh with just the barest hints of flame eating at his body. As he grew older the fire began to burn from within, a slow and painful process that eventually caused his physical body to be completely burned away and left as nothing but fire. By the time he reached adulthood he was nothing but living flame. Others could no longer come into physical contact with him without being burned, and he gained a bitter enemy in water and rain. His body is susceptible to injury through anything that can put out fire, and areas with low oxygen levels can cause his body to waver like a dying light.

  • It should have been a great hindrance to him. Something to be bitter about, but it instead gave him abilities that made his training in his area of study more influential. He could move faster than a flesh and blood body, and cause greater damage to those he fought against. The Archivists crafted armour for him that was invulnerable to the harm of heat and flame, and he became a sentinel of fire. When he was old enough they took him on the Journey to the stars, and when he made it to the Sanctuary he was given the opportunity to regain his flesh body.
    "It will come at a price," a disembodied voice had told him, "One you can afford, surely. But you will have to use this gift wisely. For in your current form you are deadly art in motion, but in a different form you would not be so."
    He was tempted, perhaps foolishly, to gain this ability. Remembering a time when the others didn't have to avoid being close to him. When he was more than just a weapon, and capable of being something more. Without thinking on it long he accepted the knowledge of this, and gained the focus to force his body back into the flesh it was born in.

  • But the warning had been right. When he forces the flames of his body to shift back into flesh and blood he is left defenseless. In a blood-red body with black markings, but without the ability to control fire or fight as smoothly as he could before. Shifting into this form in the presence of an enemy would be a tragic idea, he realized quickly enough, and the process of shifting back into fire would always be a painful one.
Iri-Kan Informaton

Manifestation: Manifests in the form of a burnt husk of a Raveeness, charred and blackened with embers burning away on her visage. Sometimes she's completely burned, other times she's in the process of burning anew.
Alignment: Knowledge
Powers: Pyromancy, Mind Burn (makes it impossible for enemies to concentrate as burning pain envelopes their minds), Fire Demon Summon.
The Protector

  • Older teens, or adults, they were seen as either ambitious or strong individuals. Ones who were surrounded by the potential for courage, or the strength to see things through. They were the only ones taught the arts of battle, the Archivists using their memories of The War to pass on strategies and skills they knew. With the WoRs themselves each being so different in power and physical forms, the Archivists often taught them individually.

  • Protectors have the skills necessary to take down enemies, avoid being harmed by those unskilled in battle techniques, and possess a raw hunger for battle strategy. They enjoy the challenge of taking on others in sparring sessions, and grew their strength from the battles they would have with the immortal Archivists.

  • They have the power to see the thought process of enemies in battle, and through battle-trances can even affect the decisions that an enemy may make (eye contact is required) -- seeming to "force" an enemy to make the wrong decision in battle, and pouncing on the misstep to end the fight. While this power is psychic in nature, it is more akin to a temporary Soul-Link that works to trick an enemy temporarily. They are also able to flawlessly mimic a fighting style after encountering it once.

  • They are of intensely focused minds, able to see what must be done and go through with it. Protectors were brought up in an Area of Study where hesitation and low confidence was not allowed to prosper.